What is a microblading method?
Manual Microstroking, sometimes referred to as Microblading, Brow Micropigmentation, Manual Technique, Hand Method Eyebrow Permanent Makeup, Feather Brows, 3D-6D Brows, Cosmetic Tattooing and Eyebrow Embroidery, originated in Asia and has become very popular in in the last few years all across the world. Manual Microstroking is done by using a unique hand instrument with a small row of very fine needles that deposit pigment into the epidermis with slicing, feathering strokes. This creates very crisp, fine hair strokes that don’t blur after healing like you would experience with a traditional permanent makeup machine.
This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present. People suffering from alopecia, trigonometrically or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from Microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows.
The results are a natural, flawless, fuller looking brow. Initially, the brows appear darker, but fade significantly over a two-week period. It is absolutely crucial to have a touch up done, as it is very difficult to predict how well the skin will retain the pigment.
The results can last anywhere from 11 to 18 months, depending on different factors affecting the procedure. However, a touch up once a year is recommended to retain the shape and saturation of pigment.
Advantages of microblading:
● Hairstrokes are 3 times thinner and more realistic than semi-permanent make up hairstrokes.
● Remains of 11-18 months, pigment does not change color.
● There is no tattoo effect.
● The procedure is painless and is performed much faster than micropigmentation
How You should prepare for the procedure
Before performing the procedure it is essential to avoid sunbathing for one week. Avoid waxing or tinting the eyebrows for about 3 days before the treatment.
It is recommended not to drink coffee and other drinks consisting of caffeine for 24 hours before the procedure. You should avoid any substances, which could dissolve the blood (e.g. aspirin); also alcohol,
weighty foods and medicines which impact vessel dilatation should be avoided.
Treatment can not be performed onto an affected skin.
What to avoid and how to behave after the procedure?
During the healing period (7-10 days), it’s not recommended to visit a bathhouse, sauna, or a pool. You should avoid tanning, including a sun-bed. Avoid heavy sweating, any other face procedures and limit the use of cosmetics, especially near the treated area (the brows). Avoid touching the treated area. On the first day after the procedure you should gently clean the treated area with cotton pad and sterile water (every hour), you should avoid washing your face, although wet hygienic tissues would be ok. After the healing period you can wash your face with flowing fresh water, although avoid the use of clearing agents on the treated area. Throughout the healing period it is essential to use the healing cream for at least once a day (cream is included in a treatment).
Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for
● Those under the age of 18 years
● Blood thinners
● Uncontrolled high blood pressure
● Pregnant or breastfeeding
● Diabetic
● Undergoing Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
● Viral infections and/or diseases
● Epilepsy
● A Pacemaker or major heart problems
● Had an Organ transplant
● Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, eczema etc.)
● Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
● Used Accutane or steroids in the past year.
● Hemophiliacs
● Tendency to keloids